Signs Telling You To Change Your Diet

What you eat has a huge impact on the way that you live your life – make no mistake. The truth of the matter is that the nutrients in your food give you the energy to do things, albeit at differing levels. If you’re getting too much or too little of a certain nutrient, your body will tell you!

Here, we’ve assembled a few common issues that people have with diets, and what they mean for what you’re eating.

Can’t Sleep

An inability to sleep can be caused by many things, from varying sugar levels to temperature in the bedroom. The most common culprit for the inability to sleep, though, is caffeine – if you find yourself having caffeine later in the day, then you’re likely unable to sleep.

If this sounds like you, but you don’t recall having a coffee before bed, there’s a simple explanation – plenty of different foodstuffs contain caffeine, even in trace amounts. For example, breath fresheners, decaf hot drinks, and chocolate all contain minimal amounts of caffeine in them. If you’re particularly sensitive to caffeine, that could be enough to keep you up for a while.

Very Tired

This is commonly an issue in diets that contain a lot of processed carbs and sugar, and it’s quite a simple, straightforward one to understand. Diets containing a lot of processed food will be full of a lot of processed additives. These additives need to be quite heavily processed by your body before you can excrete them, and this processing uses up energy, taking it away from you and your body.

To combat this, cut down on the processed food in your diet, perhaps combining processed meals with unprocessed side dishes.

Constant Need To Pee

This is a classic sign of a diet that’s high in sugar. When someone has a diet high in sugar, the sugar makes its way into their bloodstream. As part of normal kidney function, your body filters it out, meaning that you need to pee over time. If there is more sugar in your blood than there usually is, blood vessels within your kidneys can be slightly damaged. This makes the process of filtration less efficient, leading to you having to pee more.

To solve this problem, simply cut down on the amount of sugar in your diet. Try to eat more natural sugars, for example, sweet fruit like plums or bananas.

Dry Skin

The primary cause of dry skin is a lack of water in your diet. This might sound a little obvious, but it is something that people often don’t think about. If you’ve recently had a large change in your diet, then the amount of water you’re consuming may have decreased. You could have gotten into a rhythm of drinking a certain volume of water per day on your old diet, but now that your diet has changed, that volume of water, combined with water in your food, isn’t enough to make you fully hydrated.

The way to combat this is, thankfully, obvious. Make sure that you drink a little more water. Your body will always give you the sensation of thirst when you need water, but paying attention to your habits and deliberately drinking a little more won’t hurt.

Bad Breath

Bad breath is a surprising factor in weight loss diets. You may have heard of the ‘keto’ approach to dieting, where people cut down on carbs as much as possible, to encourage a state of fat-burning ketosis in their body.

This process is conducive to weight loss, but it does mean producing ketones in your body, which are expelled through your breath, causing a bad smell.

To combat this issue, increase the proportion of your diet that is comprised of carbs. Keto practitioners recommend that carbs-heavy food takes up around 10% of your diet. Increase this a little, and you should see ketosis stopping.

We hope that this article has been able to help you learn a thing or two about what the signs your body gives out mean. Listening to your body is crucial at all times, and by following these tips, we’re sure that you’ll be able to iron out any kinks in your diet in no time.

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